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The History of Young Life Toronto

Young Life had an incredibly rich history in Toronto in the late 60s and early 70s and many teenagers were reached for Christ. They have continued on as great leaders in Kingdom work and as current advocates and ambassadors for Young Life in Canada and around the world.

Although active in the larger GTA and Ontario for the last 20 years, Young Life lay dormant in the city of Toronto until just a few years ago. A renewed vision for Young Life from adults within Toronto sparked the development of a strategic plan, and commitment of some strategic funding allowed for the 2022 hiring of Glenn Cook as the Toronto City Director.

Our main focus currently is to lay the ground work for long-term sustainability for Young Life in the city of Toronto. We are working to create a robust network of adults, donors, leaders, partners and churches.

In June of 2023, we hired Edith Nabulya as our first community staff person. Edith will be working to establish ministry with teenagers in the Upper Jarvis neighbourhood and vicinity. Also during the 2023-24 academic year, we are looking to establish volunteer-led ministry in the Midtown/Don Valley area. We are keen to start Young Life ministries in communities across the city as we connect with local adults and are able to train and equip Young Life leaders.

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